Control Lists functionalities

Search in Control Lists

On this screen, users can perform searches in Control Lists created by them or assigned to their profile. A series of data must be indicated, and by clicking the Search button, a query will be made in all of them.

Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory.

To access this section, go to the side menu, open the Control Lists dropdown, and select the Search option.

The results will be displayed below the search bar as follows:

Saved Verifications

This screen shows a list of searches in Control Lists stored in the system. Some parameters must be entered to filter, and then the Filter button should be pressed.

To access this, go to the side menu, open the Control Lists dropdown, and select the Saved Searches option.

Address Proof

On this screen, you can perform an address search in an attached document or image. You must enter the address to validate, and with the Select File button, you can attach the document to be evaluated.

In the example, you can see how the text recognition engine finds matches in the JPG attached document with the text entered in the Full Address field. You will need to click the Search button to start the check.