Recommended Configurations

Security Levels

  1. Low: Prioritizes reducing end-user friction and accepts lower quality images, omitting certain security and integrity checks.
    • Minimum resolution width of 800px
    • Integrity check that ignores missing data
    • Integrity check that ignores discrepancies between sources (e.g., MRZ vs OCR)
    • Light FaceQA (frontal position + relative position)
    • Light DocumentQA (tolerant sharpness levels + MRZ present)
    • Facial check as a warning
  2. High: Aims to prevent fraud at the cost of generating more warnings that should be reviewed by a human.
    • Minimum resolution width of 1920px (full HD) and autofocus
    • Integrity check that shows warnings for missing data
    • Integrity check that shows warnings for discrepancies between sources (e.g., MRZ vs OCR)
    • Strict FaceQA (light + sharpness + brightness)
    • Strict DocumentQA (strict sharpness levels + MRZ present + readable OCR)
    • Presentation attack detection (ISO 30107-3)
    • Failed facial check as an error
    • Human review